REMI is a female-spayed short hair tortoiseshell/tabby mix with white chest and abdomen. She was born about Dec. 2020, rescued as a stray kitten, then adopted by a friend of the rescuer. She was relinquished to YAPS Dec. 2, 2024 when the owner developed severe cat allergy. Per the prior owner: she slept in bed with her owner; although reserved, she’s playful/curious & likes cat toys. We find her to be: currently stressed/insecure from the recent loss of her prior home, so she may or may not come to you for affection from her resting place. She likes being petted – may purr &/or nuzzle you in appreciation, & may roll over for stomach rubs. Currently she prefers not to be held. She does not get along well with some other cats – will do best as the only cat in the home