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Bree (423) Sushi (126) Boomer (059) Jingle (359) Litter: Tia Sister Bailey (697) Brother Willy (700) Lady Toto (471) / Remy Dexter James (383) Kong (667) Shirley (172) Caliope (540) / Joni Rupert (362) Woody (511) / Kevin Max (998) Panchita (907) Lucy Leo (627) Iris (521) Ginger (684) Sebastian (070) Blizzard (514) Smokey (613) Buffy (301) Alf (982) Maisie (118) Boots (897) Dozer (068) / Tank Pugberto (199) Dobie (700) Mia (577) Dusty (537) Badger (811) Rory (558) Poe (130) Axel (624) Rex (615) Pumpkin (860) / Lovey Bailey (130) Lilly (542) Carmela (032) Jack (572) Bonded With: Bailey (130) Tru (216) Pippin (267) Herbie (138) Johnny Cash (888) Tess (147) Penny (800) Trixie (977) Habanero(878) Zoey (056) Xena (766)
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