We're happy to tell you that Simba (691) has a new furever home. Please visit our Available cats Page to see the pups currently available.
SIMBA is a male-neutered short hair brown/black tabby feline. He was born about late Oct. 2023 (with Tiny) as one of a litter of a stray that delivered her litter at the home of a kind person, who rescued them. Because of new medical problems, she could no longer care for him, & reluctantly had to relinquish him (& Tiny) to YAPS mid-April 2024. Per the rescuer: Simba is friendly, affectionate, playful, & likes interactive toys. He’s handsome, calm, gentle, & loving. He’s stressed/insecure from the recent loss of his prior home, so currently he doesn't come to you for affection from his resting place. He likes being petted in his resting place – often licks you in appreciation. Currently he’s too stressed to like being held. He gets along well with other cats.
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